Sunday, April 22, 2012

DIY Wall Letters

I made these for my house a couple months ago. They were really easy and look great hanging in our kitchen. You can do any size, font, and fabric you want!

You will need:

  • Printed 'actual size' letters
  • Cardboard (ANYTHING)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hot glue sticks
  • Fabric
  • Straight pins
Start by printing out your letters in the size you want. They could be bigger than a page size, but that would take some work on your part. Cut out the letters.

When I said any cardboard I meant it. We just moved it, so I used lots of random boxes. 

Pin your letter(s) to the cardboard and trace then. Then use an ex-acto or scissors to cut the letters out.

Here are the letters for my kitchen. Loving the font. Check out Kevin & Amanda for beautiful free downloadable fonts!

Take your letter and lay it on the fabric. Cut out the fabric from around the letter, leaving 2-3 inches extra all around.

Place glue on the front side of the letter. Place this side on on the wrong-side of the fabric. Glue and pull the fabric tight all around the letter. Make cuts in the fabric to make the strips fit correctly.

Voila! And the back! 

Loving them!

Now, hanging is the tricky part. I rigged up a folded paperclip and hot glued it on the back of the letters to make hooks. Then I hung the letters on simple straight pins in the wall. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know! <3

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